Rofin PerfoLite


Perforation system for web material to start with

PerfoLite is a low-cost model for perforating cigarette tipping paper and other web material to start with. It is particularly suited for small batch volumes as well as test facilities. The hole quality achieved matches the those of the big PerfoLas systems. The PerfoLite is hence an attractive alternative to electrostatic perforation.

The system's heart is a special optical beam multiplexer combined with especially optimized CO2 lasers of the DC series for high performance stabilit. The paper rollers are especially designed for the specific appliation, for high web speeds at excellent winding quality. As  with all Rofin perforation systems it can be equipped and upgraded with an optical quality control systems (VPM).  

Features at a glance

  • Laser power: 1,000 - 2,000 watts
  • Hole diameters: 50 - 300 microns
  • Holes per cm: 5 - 50
  • Web speed: 100 - 600 m/min
  • Paper width: 25 - 80 mm